Solarmark Gaming
Leaving our mark in games since 2011.

Being an adult community is to be a Life First community.

We are committed to providing a community that is attentive to the realistic needs and availability of adult gamers. Families, jobs, housework, and beyond keep us at times from the games we love. Our hope is that our community gives you an “online home” to come to when you find the right time for you to play.

Member Driven

Guided by our community for things from servers to events, we strive to meet the needs required to grow in any game that peaks it’s interest.


Through the support of members in the community that contribute donations monthly, we are able to consistently give back to the community through giveaways, events, and more!

Game Servers and Services

Our game servers and services are provided and maintained by community members who work professionally in the I.T. industry, so you know it’s always the best.

Always one click away.

There is no shortage of games our community enjoys.

Whether it’s a new launched title, or one that’s been around for years, you are likely to find new friends that enjoy it all the same!

Join the discord today!